1. Беспощадный фокус
Безжалостно отсекай лишнее и концентрируйся на 10% деятельности, которая приносит основную ценность.
2. Однозадачность
Multitasking is a myth. By doing multiple things at the same time we keep ourselves busy doing
shitty work with lousy outcomes. Laser sharp focus.
3. Постоянство
Do the right things over and over again. Consistency forms habits. Habits make hard things
4. Нет брехне
Don’t bullshit yourself or others. Apply honesty and transparency to everything you do.
5. No Useless Meetings
Time is our most valuable asset. Respect yours and respect your team’s. Meetings should only be
held when necessary and must be efficient and focused. No one should ever leave a meeting feeling, “that was a
waste of time.”
6. Подбирай хвосты
Не делай так, чтобы коллеги ждали твоей части работы. Никогда.
7. Не будь мудаком